
Welcome to Emma Grace. Enjoy my blogs about travel, life and food. Feel free to get in touch via emmagraceinfo@yahoo.com


The Getting There

The Getting There

I travel as much as I can. I love to see new places, and the more I see the more I want to see. Those places get further and further away, and last year took me to Thailand.

That isn't to say that I find the 'getting there' easy. I've always had motion sickness issues, but those have gotten worse the older I've gotten. If I'm not driving the car, steering the boat or flying the plane you can be sure I'm slumped in a corner somewhere with a green face begging to get out. And let's face it, no one's going to let me fly a plane.

I've found a few things that help me with the problem, and thought I'd share them here with you.

  1. Sit up front. Motion sickness happens when your body and your eyes send conflicting signals to your brain. I'm the person that elbows my way to sit up front next to the driver of the bus. Super lame, but it means I can focus on something in the distance (and I can pretend I'm driving).
  2. Sleep if you can. Passing out definitely helps if you can manage it. Definitely works best for me!
  3. Mint. I always carry chewing gum and a packet of mints. It calms the stomach, and helps keep me distracted.
  4. Tiger Balm. When I was in Thailand I found out that the all drive like crazy people. I was stuck on a bus for an hour and a half whilst begging to get out. Then I had to get on a boat. It was not a good day for me to say the least. Until our lovely Thai tour guide gave me some Tiger Balm and told me to put it on my pulse points and under my nose. I don't know if it was a placebo thing or if it actually works, but I came home with a counter-full of that stuff

I'm not a doctor and I'm definitely not an expert, but these are the things that help me the most when I'm on the move. I hope they give you some ideas.

Summer Fragrance

Summer Fragrance

Small Beginnings

Small Beginnings