
Welcome to Emma Grace. Enjoy my blogs about travel, life and food. Feel free to get in touch via emmagraceinfo@yahoo.com


The Jobs That Will Pay YOU To Travel

The Jobs That Will Pay YOU To Travel

For most of us (i.e. me), the major obstacle when it comes to travel is money. No matter how much I budget, the things I skip out on at home, the crappy hotels and middle of the night flights I go for, I can just never seem to be able to go on as many trips as I'd like. So I did some online digging to see what kind of jobs were out there which would actually pay me to travel. It seems like a far fetched idea, but they are actually out there!

Here are the top 5 jobs I found:

Teaching English

There are countries absolutely crying out for English teachers right now. With a TEFL course under your belt, opportunities are available everywhere from South Korea to Spain. Friends of mine who have gone abroad to teach have loved it so much they've decided to stay! Let's face it, when you could be sunning yourself on a beach in Barcelona, making upwards of 700 Euros a month, why would you be rushing home?! And the opportunities only expand from there - why stop at one country? Teaching English can take you almost anywhere that takes your fancy.

Au Pair

Now I'd be the first to admit that me and kids don't particularly go hand in hand...yet. I don't think au pair-ing is a job that's quite suited to me, but it seems like a fantastic opportunity for those with the knack for kids. An added bonus is that more often than not, you'll be staying with the family and not having to fork out for rent. More money going into savings means more travel opportunities! A quick glance at Au Pair World shows the sheer amount of countries available to work in. Getting sent off to Italy or Switzerland makes even me want to go!

Flight Attendant

Probably the best way to see the whole world rather than just one place at a time. Flight attendants can be based anywhere in the world (uhm working for Emirates means a relocate to Dubai?!?! Yes please!) Long, crazy hours are part and parcel of the job, but when you could be in Australia one day and India the next it's totally worth it, right? The other upside? Discounted flights...I repeat...DISCOUNTED FLIGHTS.

Tour Guide

I actually went through the application process to do this a few years ago - before other things got in the way. Becoming a tour guide for a tour company is an amazing way to see the world. As I've said in another post, I travelled with Busabout around Europe and had the best time. Being a tour guide for a company like that means being on the road for as long as you want - and being paid for it. If you have a passion for seeing different places and sharing them with others, this is an ideal job.

Cruise Ship/Resort Work

Literally anyone with any type of skill can work on a cruise ship. Whether you're a chef/bar tender/child minder/entertainer/shop keeper there is a job for you if you want to go after it. Working on a cruise ship can take you all over the world, to some of the most beautiful and luxurious destinations you could think of. Similarly, working at a resort can take you to some fantastic places, but without the same amount of travel as a cruise ship.

There are sooooo many opportunities out there to work and travel, beyond the 5 I've listed here. So many freelancers, photographers, ski instructors, writers and volunteers work across the world doing what they want and being paid for it. Why am I sitting here, on my bed writing this then? I'm working towards my dream job!

Some Time on the French Riviera

Some Time on the French Riviera

The Things I Wish I'd Known Before Going Travelling

The Things I Wish I'd Known Before Going Travelling