Traveller Guilt - It's A Thing
Cooling off in the jungle in Thailand!
So a few days ago, I booked a trip.
It wasn't planned, totally on a whim. One minute I was enjoying a cocktail and a catchup with my cousin. The next I was hitting the 'confirm booking' button. What can I say? A few drinks makes me way more spontaneous than usual!
Despite the fact that I was delighted to book this trip (Vienna in December to see the Christmas markets in case you were wondering. It' somewhere I've always wanted to go), when it came to going into work and telling people I found myself being a little hesitant. Why? I guess you could call it traveller guilt.
I already have a trip booked for this year, and another one on the horizon. So booking another holiday seemed a little...excessive? I don't work in a well paid job, or have a secondary income, and it can sometimes feel like I'm being judged when I tell people my travel plans. So many times I've been asked when I'm going to move out/get a new job/buy a new car. But when I say my money goes to travel it doesn't seem as important a goal to other people. Often, when I say what I'm up to I'm met with skeptical looks and asked just how I can afford all these trips?
There are multiple answers, and I'll make another post about those, but in reality it's really no one else's business. Why do I feel guilty or embarrassed? I don't ask anyone else how they afford their houses/cars/nights out, so why do people feel like they have the right to ask me how I afford to travel? It's my hobby and I love it!
I'm done feeling guilty. I'm sticking two fingers up, and feeling proud instead.
Enjoying a few steins in Germany, and taking in the sights in Siena